Tuesday, October 20, 2009


We had a storm come through last week with 75 mph wind... after the at least 12" plus of rain in the last month, that includes the 6" we got last week...we lost two more big limbs off the pecan tree in the back yard and electricity for 36 hours, due to pine trees being blown over at the houses north of us, I'm so glad we don't have that problem anymore.

A big "thank you" to Leon for his help in talking Kenneth through how to hook the generator up to the house so we could get the refrigerator and freezer back up and running.

more burn piles in the backyard, and it blew over the bird feeders too.

We had one loss...the bird bath was broken while Kenneth was cleaning up the limbs. Oh well, we get to make a trip to Marshall Pottery sometime soon. We might also see about a drawbridge to put across the mote around the back patio.

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