Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

Well, the sunflowers are up to 2' tall and that's corn and green beans in front of them. We had to put stakes at the ends of the rows and start running twine every 4" to help support everything on windy days. So far we've added four rows to the sunflowers. These are the best sunflowers I've ever gotten to grow...look out you giants.

We also placed stakes and twine on the corn/greenbean row. They only have one row so far. I picked a bush type bean, so they won't get really tall.

These are the cherry tomatoes which I started from seed.

Can't wait to taste them, Yum.

We are going to Oklahoma next week to help my Mom with some yard work and purging, I have also heard we may be putting down new laminate flooring through the kitchen/dining room. When I spoke to her yesterday she said she had a list. Maybe I should have asked how many pages?

Is it strange to now know that "the baby" is a girl, that it just seems alot more real. My house is sooooo not ready for a baby! Charles says it will be okay, we'll just put her down with the dogs.

Speaking of dogs Daisy, one of our other grandbabies is expecting in the next week or so. They are suppossed to take her to the vet soon to have an xray of the babies to determine how big they are and if she'll have to have a c-section.

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