Thursday, September 25, 2008


This is the Basil I cut this morning. If you have never tried growing herbs Basil is sooo easy. Just cut it every week or two above a set of leaves and it will grow until your first freeze. Also cut it first thing in the morning before it gets hot or it gets to limp to work with. I have washed this batch and am getting it ready to dry.

Trim off the leaves onto a paper towel. I use two towels still connected so you can cover it up when you place it in the microwave. As you may be able to tell I am reusing the paper towels.

This is what you are left with, just the stems.

Dry in the microwave for two minutes on the first side, then carefully flip it over and dry an additional minute on the second side. Remove from microwave and let cool before placing in baggy.

This is what I've dried so far this summer. Sprinkle a little on anything just at the end of cooking, it has a very mild flavor and adds just a little green to any meats you prepare.

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