Friday, August 15, 2008

Curlie Sue...

She has come to live at our house. As they say "it worked on paper", but because of the high cost of everything Amanda and Charles were unable to sell the puppies as they had planned, so we offered to take one. Amanda said "just start depositing money in my account and I'll tell you when to stop. You know there were her shots and she was sick and had extra vet bills and then she added in the carpet cleaner for those days she had diarrhea... someday she'll be ours.
This is Curlie Sue.
Born May 6, 2008

what's this...
wait a minute...
OK, I'm back, take the pictures.

Dusty was ecstatic! "I am 50 years old, she better just stay off my head."

Of course the cats let us know immediately about their discontent as only cats can do! But, since she has been here a week now everyone is getting along fine. Dallas hasn't taken her head off and Colby lets her sniff his butt, even Dusty will let her get near him when she sleeps. There is the damage to the braid rug in the living room, but I think it can be repaired.

How would you spell Curley, Curlie, Curly...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a new baby!

Due to the high cost of raising Amanda, I think the payment should be zero!

I know you always wanted one, congratulations!