Monday, December 8, 2008


Last night I went to WalMart and was very careful to notice where I parked, not that I loose my vehicle on a regular basis or anything. After spending about 2 hrs. wandering through the store window shopping and getting a few coupon items I checked out and walked to where I parked. When I tried to unlock the Scion it wasn't flashing its lights like it should have, so I just reached out to open the back and it was already unlocked, I know I locked it when I went inside. Then I realized that the items in the back end weren't mine! This is not my car! I closed it back up and looked at it was the same color Scion XB, but I realized it had a spoiler on the back...oops. So I continued down the row about 8 more cars to mine. Gladly nobody noticed.

1 comment:

JENNYB said...

LOL.... I can so totally relate! I have never opened or tried to open someone elses car, but oh the times I have lost mine! Then see some just like mine, then realize I totally drove the other car.